Do You?

Do you fight relationships because you are insecure?

Have you sought help for your insecurities?

Are your insecurities the reason your relationships fail?

Was it your last relationship that broke you?

Were you already too broken to go through it?

Have you sought help?

Are you just a failure?

Do you love yourself?

Getting into a relationship is a huge commitment, well apart from marriage, it is a huge step. You are choosing to share your heart, mind and soul with another being. As much as two are stronger than one, your act of sharing parts of yourself weakens you and opens you up for hurt. What makes it worse is, if you are recovering from a previous relationship and get into a new one before healing completely. This is where abuse starts, not from your partner but yourself. You analyse finite things and constantly criticise and compare to other people’s couple goals.

Your small insecurities, which could have taken a few more weeks to handle, are ripped apart by your inability to be patient and your thirst for human affection. Now everything your partner says you scrutinise, unable to bring yourself to the level they need you to be because your insecurities are now running rampant in your life. You set off on a path of destruction, unable to keep with one person for more than a few weeks.

You need to take a break. Not a break from your current relationship where, at some point you return to the same person. No. You need to take a relationship break where your partner can be free, and you can complete your healing. It is naïve to think that another human will bring the peace and restoration you need because that same person can be the one to break you again.

Do you fight relationships because you are insecure?

Have you sought help for your insecurities?

Are your insecurities the reason your relationships fail?

Was it your last relationship that broke you?

Were you already too broken to go through it?

Have you sought help?

Are you just a failure?

Do you love yourself?





do you MINI

One thought on “Do You?

  1. This is probably the best article you’ve written so far (and it’s written on my birthday too🎉) and the one I can relate to the most! So many people these days jump into a relationship so quickly as if being seen as single is a deadly sin. People need to start embracing solitude and it’s okay to be alone.


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