No this is not me procrastinating, God knows I have been fighting it since last November. This is me checking to see you’re well. Okay I am lying. We are a month into the year, have you given up on your ‘resolutions’ already? Well, why not turn them into mini goals. Giving up alcohol? Reduce your intake weekly. Trying to get healthier? Add a piece of fruit to every meal. Growing edges? Boy, you better get to YouTube.

See, so many people are already failing their 2017 selves because they set unrealistic resolutions in the hopes that they can become a better version of themselves.

Stop that!

Sometimes you plan something out and you’re excited but a hump in the road appears and you decide to turn back and go home. Boy! Walk around that sucker and carry on.

This year’s motto, DO IT ANYWAY.

Someone tells you no? Do it anyway. Just make sure it is legal.



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