My Nails

Why is it we can afford to do nails but we can’t afford to buy a house?

Is it because we are scared to actually save up that 10?

Is it because we know that its going to take longer, so we choose immediate gratification rather that deferred gratification?

I use nails as a way to make you understand the simple luxuries we indulge in. We spend money we could have saved because it’s easier to buy now and floss than to save. This is because in saving there is no guarantee that your savings will buy you the life you are looking for.

So, next time you think ‘oh so you can afford to do your nails but cant save for your x’. Stop it!

In this generation we are so into other people’s pockets it’s disgusting. We want to know how much someone is making and what they are spending their money on. We need to stop! Get out of people’s pockets. I can’t even be a hypocrite because I have been that person and I catch myself still having these thoughts, but i’m learning.

So my money, my nails, my problem.

Happy spending, and happy saving.



my nails MINI

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