My phone,my baby

Until Saturday 11th November 2017, when I left my phone at a 7/11 ATM, I always thought I could live without my phone.

I was wrong.

As I spiralled into a frenzy of withdrawal, I soon realised that I’m not about the offline life.

At the time, there was no way of getting through to me, as all I wanted to do was take my thumb on an LCD filled adventure.

See, what was burning me wasn’t the fact that I would lose all media files, because they were backed up.

It was just the empty feeling I got every time I reached into my pocket and was declined.

I didn’t need to have it in my hand, just on my person, jus knowing it was there just in case.

I used to be addicted to my applications, where I remember scrolling all the way to the beginning of @badgalriri’s Instagram page (I’m better now).

Sometimes it’s out of boredom but,  I am always happier when I have my phone.



my phone my baby MINI

One thought on “My phone,my baby

  1. Omg I remember this incident! You’re not alone, I would have lost my wit and sense if my phone were gone too. Because that’s the very tool for us to connect to people who we cannot see and meet physically.


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