You’re not happy with your life

You’re not happy with your life, what has that got to do with me?

Your unhappiness doesn’t have anything to do with me. Even if I was the reason you are not happy, I cannot do anything about it. I lost you huh? Follow me slowly;

I cannot get into your head, I cannot physically alter the receptors in your brain nor can I force you to smile. Happiness is a decision you make on a daily, if not hourly basis. Have you ever seen those people that walk around mad at the word? At some point they made their decision to allow their brain to be influenced by several factors, in this case by the environment, and that same person can start the day on a high, happy as hell.  Your inability to find happiness, joy whatever, is what? YOURS, no one is responsible for your feelings but you, not even ya moms b.

So, you’re unhappy with your life? Cool, you’re entitled to your feelings but what is it about your life that you don’t like? I know there is nothing more annoying than being told how lucky you are etc so, what is making you unhappy? Is it something you can change physically, because anything emotional/ mental and psychological can take longer.

You must want that happiness and if it means that for the day you replay the same happy thought then do so, start today, what makes you happy, or takes you to that place? Food? Cool! (I am not a doctor so don’t come for me) If you’re not over doing it use it. But next time you’re unhappy choose a different placebo.

Personally, when I found myself in a dark place in my life I took a social media break, because who wants to see others happy when you’re not am I right? I paused WhatsApp communications and chose to take care of number one! I feel it is necessary in this age to take regular social media breaks because it will be the fall of this generation if we do not address it now.

The sooner you take care of yourself, the sooner you’ll increase your laugh lines.

Until next time,

Keep chanting!


youre not happy with your life MINI

One thought on “You’re not happy with your life

  1. In the wise words of an unknown person,’For every minute you’re angry or sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness’.

    (P/S: I recognise the background as the photo I took of you during last year’s Grad Show! x)


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