Listen to my song

Imagine listening to a song that describes everything you are going through, as if the artist just cut their way into your heart, and being unable to shake the overwhelming feeling of helplessness.

Years later you hear that same song and the feeling of nostalgia overwhelms you, but you are not in the same place as the last time you heard it. It doesn’t touch your soul in the way it used to and now you are sad. It no longer carries meaning in your life, it is now a reminder of where you were but you are struggling to arrive at your first encounter. You know how some songs never lose their affect onyou regardless of how much you have rinsed it? Well this song doesn’tdo that for you anymore.

This is no longer your favourite song, you now get down to Lil Uzi Vert. This saddens you even more because, soon this era too will be lost along with your previous favourites.

So next time someone judges you for always listening to the same song, just let them know you’re letting the music marinate.


Thanks for stopping by

SSlisten to my song MINI

One thought on “Listen to my song

  1. I always go on an oldies rush at the most random times and music in the year 2000s will always remain my favourite. The beauty of your favourite song that induces you into a linguor that blurs the line between a melancholy or a pleasure of an unspeakable nature. I’ve just proven my point by the way. I’ve started to write like a true linguist already. :/


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