Hey pretty lady let me whisper in your ear, drop them panties let me help your career…

How far are you willing to go, to get where you want to be? Is it worth losing your pride and dignity over? Or have you surpassed them already that anything you do from now will not matter?

There is a web series on YouTube that was recommended to me last year. Not only did it open my eyes to how young girls can be manipulated into servicing  rich old men, but also how young boys can be dropped into the same trap. Some people see it as an opportunity to get help for the family, and some see it as a quick run to fame and fortune. Either way there are young people that are desperate to get out of their situation and they find their salvation in a blesser.

Obviously, I know you may think I’m only speaking about third world young people. Nah son! This includes those in the first world because poverty and desperation are global my g. You just have to look at how people behave on their social media. The rate at which people are trying to accelerate their wealth for views is disconcerting. I’m all for celebrating your success and getting to goals by any means, but baby human, will what you are doing benefit you in 2-5 years? When you get to the goal will you feel clean or will you have tainted yourself so much so that you can’t enjoy what you have gained.

Get your money up, but you don’t need to get down if you catch my drift.


A concerned contradicting cow x


let me help your career MINI


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