Let’s talk about addiction

As with some of my posts I have slightly grazed this subject. So, let’s go further.

Let’s help each other with our addictions, because we are all hooked onto something in some shape, way or form. As you know I was addicted to my phone and we bless God because I am working on my recovery. Of course, it sounds funny but let’s be serious for a moment because as we move further into the future the functions of our brains are changing. But it’s not just the over reliance on technology but little things as well.

Food.  A little here, a little there and suddenly, a Monday morning habit becomes a twenty-year addiction. But how do you know you’re addicted I hear you shout! Do a test on yourself, pick something you do every day without realising. tell your brain to stop doing that thing and I can guarantee you, you have already come up with many excuses, your mind is in overdrive because it fears losing the comfort of the removed ‘thing’.

Not all addictions are treated on the same plane as someone on CLASS A drugs, but they can still be detrimental to one’s health. Okay, let me use myself as an example. Everyone around me knows my love for fresh breath and the single way to freshen it, POLO mints (they are badddd, don’t argue with me on this). I can’t recall when I first encountered them, but I know my appreciation for them deepened during my undergraduate studies. I started with having half a roll in my bag just in case because I was still an avid gum chewer, and I progressed to a roll and a half every day. Just imagine how many polos I was going through every week and how much money I was spending on them. it is fair to say no matter how much I spent it was still less than a pack of cigarettes. Yes, but my health! my teeth! obviously at the time I saw nothing wrong with it because it’s rude to force people to deal with hot breath and it became an insecurity I still haven’t worked through.

The only way for me to recognise how much I relied on POLOs was when I was home alone (I don’t usually register my breath when I am at home), and I caught myself finishing a roll before lunch (they were so goooood!). At that point I had to decide which meant I would allow the habit of always having POLOs to grow into a full-blown addiction where I would not be able to go a day without them or I could nip it in the bud. I kinda, sorta nipped it. Let’s just say I keep packs of POLOs on my person but I make the conscious decision to check if I really need it as half the time my breath is still okay from the last mint.

It’s a process and the sooner you realise which habit is borderline addiction the sooner you can save yourself some money and maybe your teeth! Goodluck finding what you have come to rely on and switching habits.

Who knows I may rewrite this in a few months and I’ll be back to a pack a week but for now I’m happy with the progress.


polo MINI

One thought on “Let’s talk about addiction

  1. There’s no Wadzi without POLOS!!!! Just kidding, kudos on you for taking a conscious decision about this potentially teeth-rotting, addiction-induced polos! 😛


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