Male commitment

Why is it assumed that men can’t commit and the same is not applied to women? It is unfair to say men can’t commit simply because they don’t want to commit to you.

what makes this thought worse is that I hear it applied a lot to black me. You never hear anyone saying white or Asian men can’t commit if anything a lot of Asian men are saluted because they commit themselves to more than one wife. But in the black community it’s like, why go for a brother because you have associated his level of commitment with your father leaving your mother. You have projected your fears, and now you don’t know what to do with your feelings.

The thing is, a man will tell you what he wants and what he’s looking for. It is up to you to decide on your next move. You can’t blame him because you chose to say in something you thought would change. Sis have some self-respect and open your ears.

These are the type of women that start screaming men are trash! Men are not trash. Trash is something YOU have no use for, something that may or may not have served a purpose and YOU chose to discard it. In both cases you had the option of staying or leaving, you chose to stay. Now you’re in a toxic relationship forcing an innocent man to sign his life to you, and unfortunately there are men that succumb to this. For those that know what and whom they want, kudos.

Don’t worry, I’m coming for the women that can’t commit.

Stay tuned.



Male commitment MINI

One thought on “Male commitment

  1. I was in a similar situation before in which I was not someone that he really wanted to marry although he always saw and said to me that I was a potential marriage material. I have been fed with so much bull**** to a point that I was only just another side chick being kept at bay. I guess I was stupid enough to think I could change his ways but eventually, I came to a conclusion that I had the choice to stay or to leave, hence I chose the latter. I never regretted the act, but just how it turned out.


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