‘You’re two faced’

Get it right, I am multi faced! Don’t you ever disrespect me like that.

But seriously, I’ve never understood when people get offended when they’re called two faced, like own that! Here’s why; some people are so one dimensional it hurts. I’m sure you have met someone and just thought ‘how boring’ hence being two faced shows you have more dimensions to offer.

This is not to be confused with the meaning of the word (I am not that dim) which we’ll discuss next year. But really who wants a linear personality? Not me! Personally, I think I possess 3 personalities; for my mum, my friends and the real me. What about work? Well, that is a cross between mum and friends even strangers sometimes get the daughter personality. Anyone who lies and says they are not two faced should really be sectioned, we all possess a world personality and a home personality and some of us have in-between personalities. So next time you’re called two faced just shout ‘AND SO?’


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